Steroids Were Crucial In The Treatment Of Critical Covid Patients

The spread of coronavirus was unprecedented. Many lives were lost before people could know what it is and how it affected us.  But, we raised our defense system and prepared for our battle with this invisible enemy. It was a deadly virus, and we were losing lives to it at an alarming rate. Treating it without prior experience posed many challenges. People were confused about the treatment methodology and drugs for patients worldwide, as reactions to these drugs were unpredictable. Steroids were also part of these experiments to cure critically ill patients suffering from covid-19.

Usually, drugs used to treat patients undergo multiple laboratory trials, and research before being administered takes time for approval. That is what we didn’t have during the pandemic. Drugs had to be approved in emergencies, and there was no time to calculate the long-term side effects on one’s body.

What are Steroids?

Steroids are synthetic hormones that control the secretion of hormones in the body. It reduces inflammation in the body and suppresses our immune system. Since they mimic the hormone cortisol’s functions, they are also called corticosteroids. When there is an infection or bacteria, our immune system responds immediately and causes inflammation, redness, or itching in the affected area. But sometimes, the Immune system goes berserk and wrongly causes swelling and inflammation in joints, causing autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, etc.,

Some bodybuilders use steroids to grow muscles better and faster. Steroids commonly used for bodybuilding are Anadrol, oxandrin, and Dianabol. Bodybuilders can Dianabol kaufen (buy Dianabol) from various brands available.

How is it used in the Treatment of Covid-19?

Not every patient needs treatment with steroids. Critically ill patients whose oxygen saturation levels were falling below 94%, who had complications in the lungs and breathing with persistent high fever for over a week, needed it.

Steroids do not kill the virus. It acts against the triggered immune system that deteriorates the condition of the lungs in its course of destroying the virus. This treatment was a ground-breaking discovery as its improvement in patients was evident. However, it was not advised for immediate use for every patient, as it entailed a set of side effects too. Only people in critical stages after various tests were administered steroids.

Athletes were some of the people who were most prone to the disease as they were traveling the world for various competitions and events, and a large number of them were affected during the initial waves of Covid-19. They use Anabolic steroids to improve performance. Covid impacted their bodies, and going back to training was a struggle.

Side Effects and Risks Involved

Steroids are not to be taken lightly; their unprescribed use can have numerous side effects on our bodies.

  • They should not be administered in the immediate stages of treatment, and the body’s natural immune system should be allowed to function.
  • It can cause unprecedented weight gain and indigestion.
  • Increase in appetite and disturbances in the sleep pattern.
  • It can cause mood swings, and you may feel irritable often.
  • Consistent use of steroids can damage your immune system, and you will be prone to more infections than before.

In critical patients, steroids were life-saving during the time of the pandemic. After proper examination, steroids are helpful when utilized under controlled dosages; if abused, they can cause problems in your body’s functions. Athletes Dianabol kaufen (buy Dianabol) only under the supervision of doctors and increase your performance with consistency.