10 Simple Tactics On How To Talk To Men At Online Dating Sites

Using online dating sites is fast becoming the preferred method of most people who wish to find their dates. Women use these sites as often as men do. If you are like most women who want to know how to talk to men on these sites, here are ten simple tactics you can apply.

Know What to Say

The advantage of online dating is that it makes you feel more courageous to start a conversation with the man that catches your fancy. However, you cannot just ping or poke someone and expect him to become the other party in your conversation.

Here are some approaches to consider:

  • Ask trivial questions to break the ice. Focus the question on him or his interests. You may also want to add humor to your questions. Here are two examples of ice breakers:
  • If you could change your profile name, what name would you choose?
  • If you were to be an animal, which animal would you prefer to become?
  • Avoid asking too personal questions so you can also discourage him to do the same. However, if you have to give basic information such as age, you have to exercise honesty and truthfulness.

As a rule, do not give the following information about you to someone you are chatting with on online dating sites:

  • Full Name (It is not a requirement to give your middle and last name)
  • Physical Address
  • Complete Birthday
  • Home Telephone Number
  • Work Location or Address
  • Any Financial Information such as your credit cards
  1. Limit your conversations to general or light topics such as the following:
  • Introduction of yourself and of the man you are talking to on the dating site
  • Activities that he likes doing, sports, or hobbies
  • Movies, music, or pop culture

Find Shared Interests

To keep the conversation going, it is important that you find common interests. Find out what he likes, and if you find the same interesting, include it in your conversation.

Sharing the same interests is important not only in talking to men, but also in starting a relationship with someone. Typically, what men want in a date is someone with whom they can be comfortable with just being themselves. Usually, they go after women who can share their passion and interests.

Create Great Conversations

Men love interesting conversations. In fact, this is one of the most effective ways to hook him and get the man into dating you. Here are some ways to create great conversations that will not only capture his attention, but will also make him want to converse with you often:

  • Know what makes you special and attractive to the opposite sex. This will make it easier for you to begin a conversation that will require you to talk about yourself without sounding narcissistic.
  • Summarize what you have to say. Men are not fond of hearing excessive details. Just give them the salient information, and leave the details out. If it’s a news story, most men will prefer to read or listen to the headlines than reading or listening to the story itself.
  • Manage the conversation. You have the responsibility of navigating the conversation, and put it on course if it starts to detour. You have to maintain the balance, and keep the positive vibes. The simple reason is that women are better in managing conversations than men are.

Apply Your Sense of Humor

Men can rarely resist, if ever, conversations with women who have a good sense of humor. If you feel like you do not have this skill, there are several ways to develop it, such as the following:

  • Anytime during the conversation something annoying comes up, turn it into something that both of you can laugh about. Trivialize your annoyance, otherwise it can turn its ugly head and destroy your chances of building a potential relationship.
  • As much as you can, or when appropriate, share one funny or embarrassing incident involving you or someone you both know. Encourage him to do the same thing. Laugh and laugh hard.

Further, laugh at the jokes of your online dating partner. If the joke does not tickle your funny bones, at least recognize and appreciate his attempt at being funny.

The number of users registering with online dating sites continues to increase day by day. This is not surprising considering that most people today prefer to benefit from the convenience that these dating sites bring.

Moreover, several success stories serve as proof of the effectiveness of these sites in helping you find your date and start a relationship. A significant number of users who found their partners through online dating is now enjoying their happily ever after stories.

You, too, can find your own long-lasting relationship through online dating sites. Before this, however, you should learn how to begin, and it usually starts by knowing how to talk to men online.

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